Registration for the next season

We would be delighted if you could register your team again for the upcoming 2025 season using this form. You are also welcome to register a new team. If your team name has changed, please also let us know. Please also remember to fill out the form if you want to deregister your team from the league so that we don’t have to search for you any longer.

You can also open the form in a separate window via this link. Information on accommodation can be found in the newsletters (group coordinators and team responsible persons) – we’ll remind you in the beginning of October. Please make a note of the following dates:

2024-10-05Last date for submitting motions to the meeting, including motions for upgrading new registrations.
Please send applications to
2024-10-18Last date for sending out the invitation to the DM.
2024-10-31Last date for team feedback for 2025.
2024-11-16Delegates’ meeting in Stuttgart
Info: One position on the Board of Directors is to be newly elected; interested parties are welcome to contact us in advance.
2024-12-31Deadline for initial player registration for your team.
2025-01-31Deadline for transferring the fees and, if applicable, the deposit.
Deadlines for the new season