FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions (english)

Here the most important questions about the game operation are answered. The overview will be expanded in the future and, if possible, also structured by categories.

What do I have to consider if I want to borrow a player registered for another team?

Players are only allowed to play in another team for a maximum of one whole match day and must continue to play in the
registered team. However, a player is not allowed to play in a team of a lower season. Please check this in advance, if a player who has already been loaned out is used, this is considered as an unauthorized use of a player and will be punished accordingly.

Who do I have to report to if I want to borrow someone for a match day?

The use of players in a team other than the original team must be reported to the board member responsible for membership administration. There is a special “One-Time Team Change Form” for this purpose. which must be filled out on the game day and sent afterwards.

What if the borrowed player was already borrowed in the season or was not eligible to play in the season?

In this case, the games in which this:r player:in was illegally used will be considered lost “to zero”.

When is the start of the league season? And what does that mean for team membership?

The season begins with the start of the season and that is the first match day – no matter in which league – for all leagues. Until this date – already registered players:inside – can be re-registered in another team. They are then eligible to play for this team until the end of the season. They may then (as described above) only be loaned once to another team. If an already registered player:in does not want to participate in this season, the membership can be withdrawn until before the first game day of the own team. Thus the membership fee for this person would remain on the team account.